• This evening, we were proud to host ARRAY Global at Tulip Hall for a reception, in which parents, students, alumni, and staff met up to celebrate the schools history and discuss future endeavours.
      • The best school in the Aljouf District. Thanks to our new website, you can check your grades, timetables, and attendance records.
      • Innovative Teachers
      • That find the best way to keep the students engaged and focused. We have a variety of projects and competitions all year round to keep their minds active!
      • Fun Activities All Year Round!
      • Students are constantly engaged and motivated to learn!
      • News

        • 29Dec
        • 22Dec
            • Array Global Accreditation

              🌷بكل فخر يسعد إدارة مدارس سكاكا العالمية أن تعلن أنه قد تم اعتماد المدرسة من قبل شركة الاعتماد الأمريكى

              (Array Global Accreditation).

              🌷 نقدم خالص امتناننا وتقديرنا لجميع منسوبي المدرسة الذين عملوا بجد و حب لتحقيق هذا الإنجاز الهام.

              The school management delightedly announces that Sakaka International School has been authoritatively accredited for a period of five years by Array Global Accreditation Association for Schools and Colleges (Array).

        • 08Dec
          • SIS 2024 Science Fair (Featuring ARRAY Global Team)
            • SIS 2024 Science Fair (Featuring ARRAY Global Team)

              Students from our school showed off their science projects at the annual science fair on Thursday, Nov 28th, 2024. The fair was held in the Science Fair Room, and it featured a wide variety of projects on a variety of topics.

              Some of the projects explored the structure of DNA, while others looked at ways to induce chemical reactions. There were also projects on the planets and medicine. Some projects explored the success of solar energy, while others focus on wind powered machines.

          • ARRAY Global Reception at Tulip Hall
            • ARRAY Global Reception at Tulip Hall

              This evening, we were proud to host ARRAY Global at Tulip Hall for a reception, in which parents, students, alumni, and staff met up to celebrate the schools history and discuss future endeavours.

              The event started with a presentation by Dr. Sara Mohsen about the schools history and future plans, and discussions about the operation to start the revamped school website spearheaded by Mrs. Ebtsam Abo ElEzz.

            • The World Tolerance Day ( November 16th )

              مشاركة و تكريم مدارس سكاكا العالمية في اليوم العالمي للتسامح

              ان التسامح هو القدرة على التعايش والسماح للآخرين بالعيش بسلام، وهو يتمثل في القدرة على تبني نظرة موضوعية وعادلة تجاه الأشخاص المختلفين في جنسياتهم، أديانهم، وآرائهم.

        • 01Nov
        • 01Nov
            • Road Map to Success

              On Thursday, 24th October, we arranged a workshop titled Road Map to Success with Dr. Diaa, specifically designed for higher grades, Grade 8 and Grade 9, where they learned valuable strategies for managing their future careers and creating a clear vision for success.

        • 30Oct
            • The World Animal Day

              College of Science, Al-Jouf University invites Sakaka International Schools to celebrate World Animal Day

              World Animal Day is an international day of action for animal rights and welfare celebrated annually on October 4

            • The Teacher's Day

              Teacher's Day in Saudi Arabia
              Teacher's Day in Saudi Arabia is a special occasion to honor the dedicated educators who shape the minds of the nation's youth. It's a day to express gratitude for their tireless efforts, their passion for teaching, and their commitment to fostering a love of learning. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the future of Saudi Arabia, and this day provides an opportunity to recognize and appreciate their invaluable contributions.

        • 09Oct
            • The Saudi National Day 94

              Our school joined the nation in commemorating the 94th Saudi National Day with a vibrant and engaging celebration.
              The day began with a flag-raising ceremony where students and staff gathered to honor the Kingdom's history and achievements.

              The national anthem filled the air, inspiring a sense of patriotism and unity.
              Following the ceremony, the school grounds transformed into a festive atmosphere.

        • 10Sep
          • Science Fair!
            • Science Fair!

              Students from our school showed off their science projects at the annual science fair on Thursday, Feburay 2nd, 2023. The fair was held in the main hall, and it featured a wide variety of projects on a variety of topics.

              Some of the projects explored the structure of DNA, while others looked at ways to induce chemical reactions. There were also projects on the planets and medicine.

          • Trip to the Book Fair!
            • Trip to the Book Fair!

              On November 16th, 2019, students from our school went on a field trip to the book fair at Aljouf University. The fair was held in the university's library, and it featured a wide variety of books for all ages. There were books on fiction, nonfiction, science, history, and more.

              The students were excited to explore the book fair, and they quickly found themselves surrounded by shelves of books. They browsed the different sections, looking for books that interested them. Some students were looking for new books to read for pleasure, while others were looking for books for school assignments.

        • Partners

          • HMH
          • Array Global
        • Bell times

          Fri 7/2/2025